I'm using the Picture Window template, which is a standard, google blogger, fairly plain, blog format. I've added a slideshow, background, header, changed post format and colors, and adjusted widths. I've done some tweaking of CSS and HTML, but not much was needed, which is a good thing, since I'm not all that skilled at that sort of thing. It's really just pictures followed by text and it's easy to update and add a page or a new tab for something that is going on that week.
I'm still enjoying and learning the process of website/blog building.
I just got a camera about 3 years ago, so my photo skills are not all that hot. I've used the programs listed below to edit the pictures I take, they are both free. FastStone is a quick to load, preview pictures, and easy to use photo editing program, you can crop, lighten, darken, etc. Paint.Net is a more fully featured graphics program, similar to PhotoShop, but not as complex or as many options.
Shrink Pic is program that shrinks any photo you upload to a more web friendly file size. It is also free. You upload the program and it sits in/on the taskbar and does it's thing when you upload a picture. It really speeds things up for myself and makes the pages load quicker for any body viewing the site. It's easy to turn off and on if you want to send a larger picture size for someone to print.
Sometimes things don't work in blogger so:
Know Issues For Blogger
Like today, 11.13.2012, my header pictures are gone from all my blogger sites.
Google also has a forum/wiki where you can query a large database of blogger problems and solutions to things you're trying to do.
Blogger Help
You can hover and click the links at the site below for more information about my sites and myself.
One site to rule them all-one site to bind them
The sites below are used
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