The following is a few word puzzles my students generated from vocabulary lists or from spelling words for a particular week. It 's a reasonable way of dragging out new vocabulary words. If they can make the puzzle and it's solvable, they should be able to know the definition of the words and be a little closer in their ability to spell them correctly. I could just send home a list of words to study, but this seems a little more interesting and it makes great stuff to hang on the wall. Like some previous student work the scans are not all that great and most of the work has had to suffer with being hung up. You should be able to click on any of the pictures and get a better image though.
Nice illustrations that support the category of the
of the words in the puzzle.
Nothing special, just some vocabulary words
made into a puzzle.
Nice pictures that relate to the words.
This is a puzzle that uses words that begin with "bl" sound.
I'm real partial to puzzles concerning initial blends
with some of my students.
Hard to read, but it has some nice big words, click on it
if you want to see a bigger version.
Some of the clues seem 'kinda hard! I'm not
sure I could work this easily.
The pictures always help the puzzle to look a little
more interesting and pleasant. there's a lesson there.
Hard to read, you'll have to click on it if your interested.
Aletha makes an "ay" Word Puzzle
1. After night is _________
2. On ________ we go to church.
3. I need a __________ crayon.
4. I sat in the ______ .
5. My birthday is in __________.
6. Can I have some c__________?
7. Can you __________ with me?
8. I would like to eat ___________ sandwich.
9. Are you on your __________ home.
10. I will ____________ you some money.
11. I have a pet named R__________.
12. We have school on__________.
13. I am tired so I will __________ down.
14. I will st__________ home.
15 Yesterday or __________.
The above piece represents quite a bit of thrashing between me and a student. She had to come up with the hints and definitions. I went over them with her and she had to type them. She did a great job!
Click here to het a printable version of the above piece.
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