A homophone is a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently and means something different, like...
Homonyms and homophones are difficult for students to get the hang of.
You can sell a cell phone, but if you steal a cell phone, you might get put in a cell made of steel.
Or crazier yet:
The fabric had a tear which caused her to shed a tear.
Or crazier yet:
The fabric had a tear which caused her to shed a tear.
You can see the problem. Words that sound the same, mean something different based upon the way they are spelled, and the way they are spelled does not necessarily conform to a students' understanding of phonics.
The list below is just an attempt to list some of the more common homonys that young students run into. If you can think of any more you think should be included on the list, please e-mail me at miketayse@gmail.com. The formatting looks weird(the spacing looks different in the html and in the on line editor)and in the printable list below, Ill try to fix it eventually.
red read need knead
night knight blue blew
read reed some sum
ate eight our hour
beat beet ant aunt
be bee hole whole
in inn maid made
mail male no know
not knot one won
pale pail rap wrap
ring wring sale sail
feat feet plain plane
sea see cell sell
chews choose clothes close
dear deer flower flour
foul fowl knew new
gym Jim heard herd
wail whale waist waste
war wore way weigh
weak week which witch
Link to printable googe docs version of common homonyms
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