Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visiting the Library

    I been very fortunate to have taught at a school that is close to a library.  About a quarter mile away from the school is the Martin Luther King Public  Library in Cleveland, Ohio.  The librarians are always helpful and patient and the selection of books and magazines is great! The students enjoy taking a walk and getting out of the building for a bit and most seem to really get charged up by being able to pick books to read.  Most of the books in school are chosen by adults and it's always heartening to see my students talking animatedly about a book or magazine that they have found on their own. I have very vivid memories of my mom and dad taking me to the the library when I very was young and I hope in some small way my taking them to a library gets them to think about the fun of reading.

This is the biggest reason I take them to the library.  They actually get excited about literature and they insist on showing it to other students and myself!  I didn't stage this at all-let's face they probably wouldn't cooperate so well. I have no proof that literacy starts or is maintained by visits to a library, but I'm certain it does no harm! 


Here we are on the way!  It looks to be a bit chilly.


Here we are on the steps of the library. Good heavens little Miss W, would it hurt you to smile?


Everyone spreads out and finds a table.


J. C. in the stacks, probably looking at a book about animals, or some such.


Ms. A is always helping students to find the books they want.  The students are always impressed that she knows where everything is.


Just wandering through the shelves, trying to find that perfect book.


I suppose you could say it's scaffolding, but really, they're just sharing a book.  With  young students, literacy can be a social and active pastime.


I love this!  Literacy as an exciting activity that needs to be shared.


This is my own personal idea of reading, more of a quiet thing.


What does this goose have to do with literacy?


Also, about a block or so away from the school and library is the pond by the Cleveland Museum of Art. It's pretty much, on the way back.  Geese are always looking for a handout and children love to feed animals.  It's a perfect match.


J. Q. and others taking a big risk, at least to them, with letting the geese come up close to take the food. I tried telling them, "there is very little geese related violence requiring hospitalization", but they still worry.  If I think about it, I tell the students the day before  to bring stale bread from home.


Between the art museum and the pond is the lawn.  It's slightly downhill and the students get to run off some steam, I sure the library is but a distant memory to them at this point.


Another popular activity at the pond.  Throwing rocks in the water.  What could be more timeless?


Heading back to school.


A nice, brisk autumn day, were all back and ready to head in the front door.


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