Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rhyme/Word Family Words

 This it the reason we work on vocabulary and lists of words. 

They are not an end in themselves.

It's all about kids reading and understanding the world of print.




    All children, in first grade, should be able to read most of the words below. The nice thing
about word families is they have a certain, inherent, sense of logic,  if you can spell one you can probably spell the others.  If the child can spell cat, they can probably  spell fat,  hat, rat, and so fourth and so on.  You can make up simple sentences involving any word family.  Like; "The fat cat had a hat and sat on the mat".  All the words below were typed in one at at a time by Johnnie, one of my 2nd grade students, who, at the time, was considerably off grade level and was still having trouble with initial sounds!  It took him quite awhile and represents quite a bit of work. I would not let him type the words in until he could recognize and use them in a sentence.  A year later he seems to be happy, well adjusted, and most importantly, motivated, 3rd grader and is pretty much, on grade level. 

Rhyme words typed by Johnnie

cab, crab, dab, gab, grab, jab, lab, nab, scab, tab

bad, Chad, dad, glad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad

bag, drag, flag, gag, nag, rag, sag, snag, tag, wag

clam, gram, ham, jam, ram, Pam, Sam, slam, swam, yam

can, Dan, fan, man, pan, plan, ran, tan, than, van

cap, clap, flap, lap, map, nap, slap, snap, tap, trap

bat, cat, chat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, that

bed, fed, Fred, led, Ned, red, shed, sled, Ted

bell, fell, Nell, sell, shell, smell, spell, tell, well, yell

Ben, den, hen, Len, men, pen, ten, then, when, yen

bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet

bid, did, grid, hid, kid, lid, mid, rid, skid, slid

big, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, rig, Spig, twig, wig

bill, ,dill, fill, hill, ill, mill, pill, spill, still, will

bin, chin, grin, in, shin, skin, spin, thin, twin, win

dip, flip, hip, lip, nip, ship, sip, skip, trip, zip

bit, fit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, pit, quit, sit

bog, cog clog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, smog,

cop, drop, hop, mop, plop, pop, shop, slop, stop, top

dot, cot, got, hot, knot, lot, not, pot, plot, shot, spot

bug, chug, hug, lug, mug, rug, slug, snug, tug

strum, chum, drum, glum, gum, hum, yum, plum, sum, swum

bump, clump, dump, grump, jump, lump, mump, pump, plump, stump, thump

back, black, jack, Mack, pack, rack, sack, snack, tack, track,

brick, chick, click, kick, lick, pick, sick, slick, stick, trick

blink, drink, ink, kink, link, rink, sink, stink, think, wink

block, clock, Dock, knock, lock, rock, shock , smock, sock, tock

buck, Chuck, cluck, duck, luck, pluck, puck, stuck, struck, truck

bank, blank, drank, Frank, prank, rank, sank, spank, tank, yank

bunk, chunk, clunk, dunk, drunk, hunk, junk, skunk, stunk, sunk, trynk,

bash, cash, crash, dash, flash, hash, lash, rash, smash

bake, brake, cake, flake, Jake, make, rake, shake, take, wake

bale, gale, hale, male, pale, sale, scale, stale, tale, whale

blame, came, fame, flame, frame, game, name, same, shame, tame

crate, date, gate, grate, hate, Kate, late, plate, rate, skate

dice, ice, lice, mice, nice, price, rice, slice, spice, twice

bride, glide, hide, pride, ride, side, slide, stride, tide, wide

dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, tine, twine, vine,

broke, Coke, choke, joke, poke, smoke, spoke, stroke, woke, yoke

bore, chore, more, pore, score, shore, snore, sore, store, tore, wore

fail, Gail, nail, pail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail, hail

brain, chain, drain, grain, main, pain, plain, rain, Spain, train

beat, cheat, eat, heat, meat, neat, seat, treat, wheat, peat, feat

claw, draw, flaw, jaw, law, paw, raw, saw, slaw, straw

bar, car, jar, mar, par, scar, spar, star, tar

bring, king, ring, sing, spring, sting, string, swing, thing, wing

bay, day, gray, hay, Jay, lay, may, play, say, stay, way, subway, gay, Monday,

best, chest, crest, guest, nest, test, rest, pest, vest, west

by, cry, dry,  fly, fry, my, shy, sky, sty, try, why,

bright, fight, fright, knight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight

brave, concave, conclave, crave, Dave, gave, grave, pave, rave, save,

Click here to get a printable version of the above list

   Johnnie typed most of the list himself-no small accomplishment!  He would type the words and then read them back to me. On occasion, I would sit down to type and he would read some more words to me as I typed.  The added to list went home daily and was used in various ways by other students. It is set to print at a smaller font, so that the entire list will fit on the front and back of a piece of paper.  At school I usually run this and other word lists through a plastic laminator, looks nicer-lasts longer.  

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